Rogue One midnight showing.

Rogue One midnight

That was me about 02:00GMT (UK) after I had come out of a local showing of Rogue One – A Star Wars Story.

The cinema is a small independent affair, picture is good, 5.1 surround sound but the seats could do with an upgrade! There were about 50 die-hard fans who had turned out, some in costume, to brave the December air.

Will not say too much about the film but you should know by now it is a prequel to Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope (1977). In this film it tells the story of the Rebel Spies who capture/steal the plans to the Empires ultimate weapon – The Death Star.

rogueone Scarif beach

All the characters are introduced well and have enough to do on screen, we are shown new worlds never visited previously, except Yavin 4. The Rebel staging post seen at the end of A New Hope preparing to attack in the infamous trench run with Luke Skywalker.

Of course there are some surprises and additions that are never spotted or even eluded to in the multiple trailers that have been released.

All-in-all I will reserve judgement until I watch the movie again, at least twice more…

For now, as of 17:00 on Thursday 15th December 2016, I’ll leave you to discover.


Star Wars Rogue One Premiere lands!

Red Carpet premiere

It’s here…well almost, over the recent weekend in Hollywood, USA, the Rogue One cast & crew were out to promote and celebrate the release of this highly anticipated addition to the Star Wars Universe.

Live Stream footage (note doesn’t get going till around the hour mark).

English director, Gareth Edwards was tasked with helming this anthology story and bring a new dimension to the worlds George Lucas created.

rogue_one_Gareth edwards

Reports from critics, who have already seen the film, have been mostly praising the weaving together of the old story plot points and new characters & locations.

Yours truly hopes to catch the film at a midnight showing locally.


I hope you enjoy it and as always May The Force Be With You….