Carrie Fisher – 1 year on.


Sadly today is the anniversary of the passing of Carrie Fisher, as you all know played the ICONIC Princess/Senator/General Leia Organa in the Star Wars movies.

It is a dark time for all of us but light will shine through.


Carrie Fisher 21/10/1956 – 27/12/2016 RIP.


The Last Jedi viewing and review.

Official poster

The Last Jedi, what can I say….not a lot, so hit the link here to go to my Spoiler filled review.


The Imax 3D in Cineworld Leicester square was very impressive, first time here. The cinema was not full at 10:30 on a Thursday morning, either everyone had already seen it or they were waiting?


What did I expect, well like millions of others I had theories, thoughts, hopes and wishes of what might be in this film, some things were covered well, others I felt let down by. Read the review to learn more.


I feel I need a second, third or even a fourth viewing before truly getting the feel that this is Star Wars…..for a new generation…..


Episode IX has quite a lot to do!

The Worlds of The Last Jedi


Directly from the Star Wars YouTube channel is this video showcasing some of the locations used in The Last Jedi.

From Ahch-To, Canto Bight & Crait; find out where they we filmed.

Explore the real-world locations behind the worlds of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Check out the page here under locations and search #thelastjedi