Full Size R2-D2 part repair

Well, it is late September 2016; after having a tragic family event happen I was feeling down but knew of a fan-made wood & fibreglass static Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) that was up for sale.

The model is pretty well made and the most recent owner was looking to add some weathering to it but found he had run out of room and needed to sell. I decided to take the plunge and made an offer, which was accepted and I picked it up shortly after.

R2 needs a little bit of fixing & painting, which I intend to do over the next few weeks, hopefully finishing before Christmas 2016. I may add some weathering myself and have been watching YouTube clips about this.

Below is the progress report of bringing this to a point I am happy to display in my collection.



Well, here we are half way through 2017 and I have finally moved static R2 into my tiny “man cave”. I really did not have much to do but had difficulty due to it not being at home and semi restricted access. I have decided to leave it in unweathered (for now) as I just like the way it looks.

Hope you do too!

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R2 12R2 15

R2 13R2 14

R2 16 R2 17



R2 7R2 8R2 9R2 10 R2 11



R2 1 R2 2 R2 3 R2 4 R2 5 R2 6



Well the weather has been warmer and I have some time-off! So I managed to get a little more done on the static R2-D2.

Now should I “weather” it?

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