Mustafar (ROTS)

Mustafar – Mount Etna, Italy.




Mount Etna is an active volcano on the east coast of Sicily, close to Messina and Catania.volcano-mount-etna

It is the largest volcano in Europe, currently standing about 3,350 m (10,991 ft) high. Etna covers an area of 1190 km² (460 square miles) with a basal circumference of 140 km. This makes it by far the largest of the three active volcanos in Italy, being nearly three times the height of the next largest, Mount Vesuvius.

The climax of Revenge of the Sith takes place on the planet Mustafar.The actual lava for the planet was mostly a giant miniature set about twenty by thirty feet. The lava was created with a chemical called methocil which is a food additive.Episode-iii_2

The lava explosions were filmed by master cinematographer Ron Fricke on a visit to Sicily’s Mount Etna as it was erupting.

Also Digital matte paintings helped to create the climactic final scenes of Anakin Skywalker and the Birth of Darth Vader.mustafar BTS

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2 thoughts on “Mustafar (ROTS)

  1. Pingback: Mount Etna: Facts About Volcano’s Eruptions

  2. Pingback: How Do You Study an Active Volcano? Very Carefully…

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