The Last Jedi on Blu-ray & DVD


So, say what you will, and most, if not all Star Wars “fans”, have done, about The Last Jedi which is released for the home on Digital download / DVD / Blu-Ray and the relatively new 4K format. There are multiple “exclusive” version, Target in the US and a SteelBook version being the most sought out.

I have yet succumbed to watching the special features / behind the scene videos online and will wait till I can get my hands on a copy before watching them and hopefully get an insight on why some of the choices were made and left in the film and why some were left out!

 star-wars-the-last-jedi-blu-ray- steelbook

Will viewing for the fourth time at home make a difference……..we will see…..


The Last Jedi viewing and review.

Official poster

The Last Jedi, what can I say….not a lot, so hit the link here to go to my Spoiler filled review.


The Imax 3D in Cineworld Leicester square was very impressive, first time here. The cinema was not full at 10:30 on a Thursday morning, either everyone had already seen it or they were waiting?


What did I expect, well like millions of others I had theories, thoughts, hopes and wishes of what might be in this film, some things were covered well, others I felt let down by. Read the review to learn more.


I feel I need a second, third or even a fourth viewing before truly getting the feel that this is Star Wars…..for a new generation…..


Episode IX has quite a lot to do!

The Last Jedi – official trailer is here !!

Official poster

Well it is finally here and there is a lot to lot at discuss!

  • Where is Rey from? 
  • is she not a Skywalker, Solo or Kenobi but something bigger?
  • Does Kylo Ren fire on the ship with Senator Organa?

Plus so much more…….

How does it all come together we will have to wait and see in just under 2 months.

Here it is again for you:


Filming Location update – Crait


So this one might be a little pre-emptive but here goes.

I have updated/added an entry in Filming Locations under Episode VIII – The Last Jedi for the planet Rian Johnson has named as CRAIT – “It’s way out there. It’s uncharted. It’s a mineral planet and so there are mines on it,” according to Johnson.

When I know more I will update the page, but for now, take a look and if you know anything please let me know….
